Since moving to Los Angeles to become an LA Headshot photographer a month ago, I’ve been quiet. I apologize for the absence, but I assure you that I’ve been working on a few things coming up that will be bigger and better than anything I’ve done before. Alongside the educational photography workshops and events I’m announcing below, I’ve also been working on some of the biggest photoshoots of my life since moving to Los Angeles, and will have some really cool and fun work to show off soon. But before we get involved in that, let’s talk about the next couple months coming up.
One of the things I really love about my work as a photographer is the ability to teach others the techniques and tools I’ve spent so much of my career learning. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – I was completely self taught in my techniques as a photographer, and the process of learning took me years. When I began, there weren’t tools out there for people to learn on their own with, so when I became successful in my work, I wanted to give an opportunity to teach others the techniques I implement for better photos. I’ve been sharing this information, with hundreds of articles on Fstoppers, Photofocus, Phototuts+ and dozens of other publications I’ve written for over the years. I’ve also done this with workshops, building one of the highest rated photography workshop programs in the world for photographers. But I have a few more events coming up, that I specifically wanted to tell everyone about.

Marketing & Retouching Workshop Extensive in Albuquerque, NM
September 3rd, 2015
One of the things that many photographers asked me prior to moving, was if I was planning on doing one of my workshops in Albuquerque before I go. I left it open ended. You see, I’ve taught my lighting workshop three different times in Albuquerque, so I wanted to wait til I could present something new and exciting to the photographers that they could learn from. Eventually, I decided to break off my marketing and retouching portion of my Two Day Master Series Workshops, and offer this incredible class at a discounted price, specifically for Albuquerque.

Wondergloss – Where Photography and Makeup Meet in Las Vegas, NV
September 24th-26th 2015
After spending the last few years speaking at numerous retreats, seminars and workshops I found there was a lack of fashion-fusion education. A training based on teamwork (between Photographers and Makeup Artists), and overall image creation. Wondergloss is a 3 day retreat, with 2 days of education, with high-profile working workshop teachers and one day of planned photoshoots (3 different set of images and 3 different models). The Wondergloss experience is designed to make you grow as a successful creative team member. whether you photography weddings, seniors portraits or boudoir, wondergloss will be such an awesome experience for you. In addition, you will connect and bounce ideas off others, learn new techniques and strategies, create partnerships, and most importantly, connect with friends, both old and new.
This is not a 101 retreat, this is for those who feel like they need some inspiration and guidance to find their visual voice.
We believe in quality and not quantity! So our retreat is kept small and intimate. We want you to feel at home, with a group of like minded friends, Versus feeling overwhelmed by people, schedules and too many choices. This years Wondergloss will be in Las Vegas NV. We want you to have a vacation, a vacation that you eat well, have fun and make the images you’ve dreamt of. If you want to skip a class, and sleep in, that’s totally up to you.

Stand Out Photographic Forums 2015 in Toronto, Canada
September 29th, 2015
The Stand Out! Photographic Forums’ mission is to bring the photographic community together to inform, inspire and excite. Hear from innovative industry creatives and icons. Explore new ideas to differentiate yourself and your business. The Stand Out! event will also bring leading photographic brands under one roof to demonstrate their products to you in an intimate and meaningful manner. Put a face to the brand, meet some of the most knowledgeable resources in the industry. This event is ideal for professional photographers, photo assistants, advanced students or any imaging professional that would like to learn about the latest cutting-edge products and techniques being used in the professional digital image capture market in a hands-on and seminar based forum.
Stand Out Photographic Forums 2015 in Los Angeles, CA
October 15th, 2015
So as you can see, I have a lot of photography educational events coming up in Albuquerque, Toronto, Los Angeles and elsewhere. I hope you’re able to come out to any of these events, and if you have any questions about them or my upcoming photography workshops, feel free to send me an email.