A couple weeks ago, I announced the biggest photography workshop schedule of my career. With 2 full days of material, and over 15 hours of training, these workshops are set to be some of the biggest and best workshops available for photographers. I’m posting once again, to announce some exciting additions to the workshops, as well as finally release the flyers and more information about each photography workshop.
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These photography workshops are entitled the Master Series, because that is exactly what they are. They are designed to help you master everything you would need to book better and more clients, light your images better, and retouch them to make a complete portfolio. Breaking these workshops down to two days allows us all to focus more at the topic on hand, and fully discover the possibilities for all aspects of your business.
Extensive Lighting Training
Day one is focused entirely on lighting, because the word origin of photography means nothing more than controlling light. Day one is all about learning how to control your light to take better photos outdoors. With 4 hours of an extensive lecture, and followed by an open shoot with some of the best models in the area, you’re not only able to learn, but to apply those practices as well, using some of the best gear available for photographers.
Marketing Overhaul for your Business
For the first half of day two, we focus our attention to marketing your photography services. I’ll teach you my technique on how I moved to a new location, and became the most photo photographer in that area within 12 months. Effective marketing can be challenging, but when utilized correctly, can be incredibly effective at increasing your business.
High End Retouching
Finally, the last half of Day 2 is entirely about retouching your images correctly. By using the tools supplied with the workshop, I’m able to go through the techniques and tools that are used by some of the world’s best retouchers. Using these techniques yourself can drastically improve your work, which will help you get more attention from potential clients.
Sponsors & Extras
Phase One
Phase One and I have joined forces again this year to provide the absolute best for each of my students who are attending one of these workshops. Phase One is there to help students learn the techniques taught during the workshops, as well as provide a few Phase One IQ250 camera system for students to use during the workshops. These cameras are, in my opinion, the absolute best cameras for photographers. Using medium format and leaf shutter lenses, we’re able to see an entirely new world of photography, and increase our knowledge and techniques at the same time.
Lighting Specialist Profoto has seen the work that my workshops have generated and have came on as an official sponsor for the workshops and events. What does this mean for students? It means you’ll be able to use the best lighting available – Profoto lighting. During the lighting portion of the workshop, we’ll have access to both the B1 strobe, and the new, latest and greatest B2 strobes. Using these will allow us to create amazing images without the need for cables or cords. We’ll also have a large selection of modifiers to work with, to really help shape the light.
As usual, LensRentals will also be there to help provide the absolute best gear available for photographers to use through the duration of the workshop. But working with LensRentals, we’re able to get our hands on some exciting and new gear to use on location and in studio.
Retouching Academy
Retouching Academy has also came on as a sponsor, and are providing each studio with their Retouching Panel to have and use for the retouching portion of the workshop. This panel is used and developed within Photoshop, and by some of the very best retouchers in the world.
Alien Skin Software
Alien Skin will also be sponsoring these workshops, and providing a few students with their covenant Exposure software to be used in both Lightroom and Photoshop, as well as a standalone. This software allows you to quickly apply adjustments and color grade your images using film presets.