Featured on TogTools Video Podcast

I am absolutely honored to share that I was recently featured on the TogTools video podcast with Stephen and Jess Robertson. TogTools is a really great platform where they talk with some big names in the photography industry, and talk about specific topics on how they got their start. For my particular interview, I talked about building my educational services and photography workshops in Albuquerque and all over the United States.


I’m absolutely elated to be featured by TogTools, as they interview some people who inspire me to create the work that I do. As part of their Fstoppers series, they are able to talk to me about my insight into education in photography, and how I’ve developed my photography workshops and photography lectures that I’ve given in the past. Check out the video above to watch the podcast, and be sure to let me know what you think in the comments below.

Thank you again to Stephen and Jess for having me on the show, and being their normal charming selves during the interview I was able to do with them. For more information about my photography workshops, be sure to check out my photography workshops website by clicking this link. At this point, I still have about 6 seats available for the biggest and best workshop I’ve taught today, which is in Washington DC on Nov 9th. This photography workshop is on Outdoor Lighting and will contain, 20 students, tons of light, tons of fun and will result in a ton of great images. Be sure to check out my photography workshops website for more information about that class as well.

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